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Save SQL code in order to share it.
Your database and the editor code will be backed up!
Be careful, the data will be accessible to everyone, please do not save sensitive data.
Save SQL snippet
Your SQL snippet has been permanently saved and you (or anybody) can access with this link:
Choice a password to modify/delete this SQL snippet later Enter password to modify this SQL snippet. Enter password to delete this SQL snippet. Enter the new password for the fork.

SQLite viewer

This online SQLite viewer and editing tool allows users to manage, query, and modify SQLite databases directly from a browser, with no installation required. Designed for developers who want to test and debug data from a SQLite database file, it’s also useful for non-technical users who, for example, may want to manage browser bookmarks (thanks to its table editor).

This SQLite viewer enables SQL testing to explore SQLite-specific features, and also serves as a practice platform for writing SQL queries. You can execute SQL queries online instantly to run, test, and practice your code directly in your browser. With its sharing mode, you can share your SQLite database and SQL queries, which is useful when you want to share an issue on a forum, for example (yes, people still do that these days…).

This SQLite browser lets you practice and run SQL tests. In my opinion, it’s much better suited for testing SQLite databases than ChatGPT ^^—so, it hasn’t replaced everything just yet, thankfully!

What is SQLite?

SQLite is a lightweight, embedded relational database management system that operates directly within applications without the need for an external server. It is particularly suited for mobile, desktop, or embedded applications due to its simplicity and low resource requirements.

SQLite stores data in a single disk file and supports full SQL functionality. It is fast, easy to deploy, and ideal for small to medium-sized projects. I have previously worked with older versions of SQLite, which was a bit challenging as a significant portion of SQL features was not implemented, but now it's much better 🙂