Online SQL Syntax Checker

When working on a complex (and lengthy) SQL query, it can quickly become difficult to pinpoint a syntax error.

Our SQL error checking tool is simple and practical, designed to validate the syntax and structure of your SQL code and help you identify errors.

As soon as you start typing in the SQL editor, the syntax is automatically checked—no need to press a button.

If a syntax error is detected in your query, the line with the issue will be highlighted (particularly useful for large SQL queries). Common errors include: forgetting to close parentheses, a typo in a keyword, or missing a keyword.

Starting with SQL isn't always easy, even for experienced developers (it's quite different from programming languages).

Our tool primarily checks the syntax of the MySQL dialect, as it's the most popular database. MySQL shares much of its SQL syntax with other databases, though there are notable differences with systems like PostgreSQL, MariaDB, DB2, etc.

I hope this simple but effective tool will be useful to developers and database administrators (there’s more to life than just ChatGPT ^^).

List of the most common SQL syntax errors

  • Forgetting commas in a list of columns or values: When using a SELECT or INSERT statement, it's common to forget a comma between two columns or two values. When dealing with many columns, this mistake isn’t always immediately noticeable.
  • Using reserved keywords as column or table names: Certain words like SELECT, WHERE, or ORDER are reserved SQL keywords. Using them as column or table names can lead to errors. Additionally, since each database has its own set of specific keywords, this can be problematic, especially when working with multi-database applications (I have bad memories of it…).
  • Forgetting the AS keyword in aliases: Although some SQL systems tolerate the absence of AS, it is better to include it to avoid errors and make the query clearer.

There are many other types of SQL errors, good luck ^^

API documentation

This API allows to validate SQL. Please use this API sparingly.


Return a list of syntax errors


Your SQL request


Success: 200


Error: 200

   {"m":"Unexpected beginning of statement.","t":"Slect","l":1,"c":0},
   {"m":"Unrecognized statement type.","t":"from","l":1,"c":8}
  • l : Line
    c: column
  • t: token
  • m: Error message